Potential. There is so much of it in people, in LIFE.
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"He must have had coffee that morning," I reasoned (with my unscathed Nokia in my safe pocket) as he drove away. "Or maybe he's just a morning person... A hectic one, with a love for noticing things early in the morning." This guy's actions replicated Christ, whether he intended to or not. He saw a need, and he jumped out his car, his comfort zone on a cold morning, to help. We are called by God to be alert and aware in our daily life.
1 Thessalonians 5.5 says "You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self controlled."
There is so much potential in each moment of each situation of each day to be doing something for God. Are we?
As I cycled on the word came into my head. Potential. It is there in the small moments of life. The fleeting conversations that occur with the people also waiting to cross the road. That short connection/smile with the drivers who let me cross the road (and a slightly different connection/stare down with the drivers who nearly drive me over because they have their indicator on, but still drive straight through the intersection...) The breeze is so fresh, especially now with winter coming, and bikers give each other a curt nod as they pass, like an acknowledgment that we're part of the same people.
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Do you see what I am saying? Life moves so quickly, we are easily caught up in our ruts, easily left to auto-pilot, and we miss all the potential for dramatic outbursts from our ordinary life! Whether it would be helping someone across a road, or just a friendly smile in passing, we really should be looking for ways to increase our impact on our communities.Everyone wants to make a big impact, but you'll never know where even the smallest ones will lead.
I was in a tourist shop today at Cape Point, and they had these African symbol necklaces. The one with the symbol for life said
"May you live every day of your life."
Though it sounds weird at first, the more I thought about it the more insightful it became.
May you live every day of your life. It's like that old song that goes "I don't want to live and just... breathe."
Make the most of every day!
Jesus says in John 9.4, "As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no-one can work."
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I'm really feeling this sense of urgency for us as Christ-followers, because we really don't have a lot of time. Many of us don't see the opportunities because we are only expecting it to hit us in the face in the future, when we are older, or wiser, or have more time for that sort of stuff. I've been in and out of this thought pattern as well, and last Friday morning really snapped me out of it.
Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day! Don't wait for tomorrow.
There is so much potential in each and every life. The question is will the lives use it?
P.S (Which shouldn't really be a P.S since this part is super important!)
We can't fulfill our potential by ourselves. We need God's help, and this comes in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. When we walk in step with him, spend time with him, our eyes and ears will start to pick up the things He picks up, we'll get onto his wavelength and you might start noticing things around you in everyday life you didn't notice before. It's incredible what a difference God can make in a life!